Green Fruits Melt Cholesterol: Green fruits are full of medicinal properties that can eliminate cholesterol. There are mainly two types of cholesterol. One LDL is called bad cholesterol, and the other HDL is called good cholesterol. Bad cholesterol is our enemy. Bad cholesterol starts getting sticky in the arteries. It is like moss in a way that starts blocking the way of the arteries due to which there is difficulty in reaching the blood to the heart and from there to the body. This can lead to heart attack or cardiac arrest which is life-threatening. To reduce cholesterol, special attention needs to be paid to lifestyle and food habits. There are so many types of fruits in nature, with the help of which cholesterol can be reduced easily. Let us know which are those enchanting green fruits that reduce cholesterol.

1. Green apple- According to the report of NCBI, a green apple daily reduces the level of bad cholesterol. Apple is full of vitamins, iron, calcium, and many types of antioxidants. It is also said that by eating an apple daily one can avoid going to the doctor. Image: Canva

2. Guava - Green fruit Guava is found in almost every corner of India. Guava is full of many qualities. It is rich in magnesium and fiber which lowers both blood sugar and cholesterol. Image: Canva

3. Kiwi- Kiwi is also a green fruit. According to WebMD, kiwi is loaded with vitamin C antioxidants that reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease. Kiwi contains dietary fiber in abundance, due to which it prevents heart disease and lowers cholesterol levels. Image: nw18

4. Amla-According to WebMD itself, Amla is full of medicinal properties, which greatly reduce the level of total cholesterol and triglycerides. Amla has such a specialty that it reduces bad cholesterol without affecting good cholesterol.

5. Avocado-According to the news of Myoclinic, the flavonoid compound found in green avocado protects against high cholesterol and reduces the absorption of cholesterol. Research has found that the fiber present in avocado surprisingly reduces LDL cholesterol and increases good