How To Prevent Type 2 Diabetes: The life of a person who has diabetes becomes very difficult, he is always worried about whether the blood sugar level has increased. That's why people who do not have this disease should take care that such a situation does not come with them. Type 2 diabetes can be due to genetic reasons, but sometimes our habits are responsible for it. Like not living the right lifestyle and eating unhealthy foods. Let us know how you can avoid type 2 diabetes, for this the daily routine will have to be changed a bit.

Do regular exercise

If you exercise regularly, it will help reduce the risk of diabetes, because it burns fat and increases insulin sensitivity, which helps control blood sugar.

Cut down on carbs

It is not that carbohydrates are not necessary for our body but consume them in limited quantities only. Our body converts carbs into small sugar particles which get fried in our blood and this increases blood sugar.

Drink Water

Drink a sufficient amount of water to keep the body hydrated, and try to stay away from soda and packed sweet fruit juices, otherwise, the risk of Type 2 Diabetes will increase.

Try to control weight

It is very important to reduce or control the increasing weight because obesity is the root of many diseases, and diabetes is also one of them. For this, do a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Quit smoking

Addiction to things like cigarettes, bidi, hookah, and ganja is very bad for health, it is generally understood that it has a bad effect on the respiratory system, but it increases the risk of diabetes, so avoid these bad habits. Get it done

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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