How To Prevent Teeth Cavity: Teeth are a very important part of our body, if it is not there, then we will be deprived of enjoying delicious food, if we consume some sweet, cold, or soda-rich things, then it will cause lot of damage to the teeth. Bad effect. In today's era, people from children to middle age groups are troubled by cavities. Due to this, there is a feeling of rot and sharp pain in the teeth. When we eat strange things or when food gets stuck in the teeth, it causes decay. To avoid such problems in the future, you should be alerted today itself.

Take these 3 steps to avoid cavity

Brush twice

We do not start the day without brushing because it gives us a feeling of freshness, as well as complete cleaning of the teeth, but often we forget to brush before going to bed at night, but this is extremely important. It is necessary because during dinner the food gets stuck in our teeth and then creates cavities, whereas due to brushing or teething, the mouth gets completely cleaned. That's why do brush 2 times a day.

Cleaning between two teeth

Often we eat something in which the fibers of food get stuck between our two teeth, and it is not easy to clean it, if it remains there then it starts causing rot, to avoid it many People use toothpicks but they are not that effective. Dental floss is the best method for this because the threads present in it go between the teeth and clean them well.

Mouth Cleaner

Not only cleaning the teeth enough, but it is also necessary to take care of oral health completely, so you should pay attention to cleaning the mouth and tongue as well. You can use mouth cleaner or mouthwash for this. Due to this, the mouth is completely cleaned and the risk of cavity also reduces.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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