Teeth Cleaning: Without the whitening of the teeth, the beauty of the face is meaningless, sometimes due to yellow teeth, we cannot even laugh openly and if the teeth are visible for some reason, we have to face a lot of embarrassment. If you do not clean the teeth properly, then the yellowness will start setting. It is often advised to brush or floss twice a day, but many people are unable to follow even this simple tip. However, now there is no need to panic, you can bring back the whiteness in the teeth through an easy home remedy.

Prepare teeth whitening powder

If your teeth have turned yellow and whiteness is not coming even after many efforts, then prepare teeth whitening powder at home. For this, you will need one teaspoon of clove powder, one teaspoon of black salt, one teaspoon of licorice powder, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, dried neem, and mint leaves. Mix all these things well and store them in a box.

How to use teeth whitening powder?

Apply teeth whitening powder to your toothbrush and rub it gently on your teeth and then rinse it, this will bring back the shine of your teeth, as well as save you from cavities. If the cleaning is not done in one go, then repeat this process.

Take special care of these things

- After waking up in the morning and before going to sleep at night, do brush your teeth.

- Do rinse after eating, it does not set the layer on the teeth.

-You can use lukewarm water and salt to rinse.

- Rub the brush with light hands, if you apply too much force, the gums will peel off.

- Use neem teeth or powder for cleaning teeth.

If dirt has accumulated between two teeth, use dental floss for cleaning.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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