How To Drink Water For Weight Loss: Healthy lifestyle and better eating habits are advised for weight loss. This makes it easy to lose weight. During the weight loss journey, most people ignore small things, due to which they do not get good results. If you want to lose weight, then apart from food, special attention needs to be paid to water as well. If the right amount of water is drunk before and after eating, then the fat stored in the body can be reduced rapidly. You are surprised to hear this, but this thing is true to a large extent. It is possible to lose weight with water. This time has also been stamped in many researches. Today we will tell you how you can reduce your weight by drinking water.

According to a Healthline report, drinking water can help burn calories and reduce appetite. This is the reason why water can be considered very effective for weight loss. Drink plain water instead of sugary drinks, even then you can get rid of obesity and overweight. By doing this, the amount of calories and sugar in your body can be reduced. For weight loss, just drinking water is not enough, but a healthy diet and regular physical activity are also necessary. If you follow all the things properly, then you can be successful in reducing your weight.

Drink water before eating

Drinking a glass of water about 30 minutes before eating can reduce appetite. According to research, if middle-aged and elderly people drink water before eating, then it has a great effect on their appetite. A study showed that drinking water before meals each day can lead to a weight loss of 2 kg over 12 weeks. In another study, overweight people in middle age who drank water before every meal lost about 44 percent of their weight compared to people who didn't drink water. The researchers themselves were also surprised to see this result. Research has also shown that drinking water before breakfast reduces calorie intake by 13%. The special thing is that in all these studies, the effect of drinking water was seen in elderly and middle age people. It did not have any special effect on the youth.

How much water to drink daily is beneficial

Most people also have a question that how much water to drink daily is beneficial for health. According to experts, all adults should drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water every day. However, everyone's body needs different amounts of water. For example, people who sweat a lot or exercise regularly need more water. People who are not very physically active may need less water. Your body also gets water from many foods and beverages, such as coffee, tea, milk, and fruits and vegetables. People must drink water when they are thirsty. One should not drink water forcefully without thirst.

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