How To Burn Belly Fat: Weight gain is common in India due to unhealthy lifestyles and oily food, due to this belly fat increases a lot of clothes start getting tight and you have to face embarrassment. It is often advised to eat fruits for a healthy diet, but some fruits can be harmful if consumed repeatedly.

Sugar content is high in some fruits

Some fruits available in the market are such that eating them increases the blood sugar level in the blood, so patients with obesity and diabetes should be especially cautious. Even those who have not gained weight should eat fruits with high sugar in limited quantities.

How to reduce belly fat?

If you want to remove belly fat and body fat, then there is a need to remove carbs and sugar from your diet. Increasing weight can also be reduced by low-fat food, increasing weight increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Stay away from these 2 fruits

Mango is specially eaten in summer, which is also called the king of fruits, people in India eat mango with great fervor, as well as mango shake is also very much liked here, but the sugar content in mango is very high. Which is responsible for weight gain. On the other hand, pineapple is also very sweet to eat, so eating more of it can increase the blood sugar level. Especially people suffering from diabetes and obesity are advised not to eat mango and pineapple.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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