Vomiting- Loose Motions Home Remedies: The immunity power of a person becomes weak during rainy days. Whatever he eats and drinks, his body cannot digest it. This weather is also favorable for the growth of bacteria and viruses. Due to this, the food kept in the house spoils very quickly. On consuming such stale food, it does not take long for a person to have vomiting and diarrhea. In such a condition, there is a lot of shortage of water and nutrients in the body. If this problem occurs at night, then even medicine is not available at that time. In such a situation, the problem increases a lot. Today we are going to tell you some home remedies to get relief from vomiting and diarrhea, by trying you can get instant relief. Let us know what are those home remedies.

Home Remedies for Loose Motion and Vomiting

Drink sugar-salt solution

Due to vomiting and diarrhea, there is a lot of lack of water in the body. Due to this, the body becomes a victim of dehydration. To make up for this lack of water, the patient should make a solution of sugar and salt in water and give it continuously little by little. By doing this, the infection of the stomach goes away and the lack of water in the body also ends.

Acidic elements are found in lemon juice. Its juice gives a lot of relief in case of diarrhea. The acidic elements present in lemon juice clean the bacteria hidden in the intestines ). Due to this, the patient gets relief and he slowly starts recovering. That's why the patient with diarrhea is advised to lick lemon and drink its juice.

Eating bananas is beneficial

Feeding bananas to a patient suffering from vomiting and diarrhea (Home Remedies for Loose Motion and Vomiting) is also considered beneficial. An element called potassium is found in bananas, due to which the deficiency of electrolytes in the body is removed. This is the reason why doctors also advise the patient to eat 2 ripe bananas daily in case of loose motion. Due to this, he gets immediate relief from the disease.

Curd is considered to be the most effective remedy to get instant relief from loose motion and vomiting. According to the experts of Ayurveda, the curd is a natural probiotic. Such healthy bacteria are present in it, which kill and eliminate the bacteria responsible for loose motion. Eating curd continuously for 3-4 days provides relief from vomiting and diarrhea.

Recovery by drinking coconut water

Coconut water is considered a panacea in Home Remedies for Loose Motion and Vomiting. Potassium, which fulfills the deficiency of electrolytes, is found in large quantities in it. Because of this, the body is saved from getting dehydrated and the sick also get immediate relief. Drinking coconut water makes the patient's recovery faster.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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