Foods For Dog: A dog is considered the most loyal animal. For this reason, people treat dogs like other members of the house. Those who keep dogs do not differentiate between humans and dogs. Their health must be also taken care of. Let me tell you that many people keep dogs, but what to feed them to keep them healthy? Many people remain confused about this. Let us tell you that, if you do not want to buy expensive dog food products available in the market, then you can keep them healthy by making them healthy food at home. The easier these foods are to make, the more they are full of nutritional value.

Things to keep pet dog healthy

Soybean: Soybean is considered to be the best source of many nutrients including proteins, vitamins, and carbohydrates. It is considered very healthy for the dog. For this, you can soak soybeans in water or mix other things like cheese, or roti with soybeans and give them to the dog to eat. Let us tell you that more nutrients like protein are found in soybean than meat. In such a situation, if you cannot buy chicken, meat, or packaged food from the market for your dog, then you can give soybeans.

Cheese or paneer: You can give cheese or paneer to your dog. This is very beneficial for dogs. Let us tell you that protein and calcium are found in abundance in them, which helps in keeping your dog strong and away from diseases. This is such a food that they can easily digest. In such a situation, you can feed them raw or cooked paneer. More protein is also found in this type of food.

Chicken: You can also give boiled chicken to keep your dog healthy. This will supply many nutrients to their body. Apart from this, you can also give its soup, chicken bone rice, etc. to eat. However, keep in mind that do not give them cooked bones on a plate to eat. For this, if you want, you can give them raw bones.

Yogurt: You can also give yogurt to your puppy to eat. Some people consider yogurt as curd, but there is a slight difference between curd and yogurt. The process of making these two is also different. Although both are made from milk only. Let us tell you that a lot of protein and calcium are present in yogurt. By feeding it, the digestion system of dogs becomes smooth.

Oatmeal: Oatmeal is also a great food for dogs. This can be extremely useful for your dog. Let us tell you that oatmeal contains fiber, protein, and many vitamins and minerals, which take care of your dog's health. You can feed your dog oatmeal mixed with some milk or hot water. Feed it in the morning or evening and keep in mind that you do not give it in excess. If your dog has a problem with milk or lactose intolerance, you can give oatmeal only with warm water.