World Stroke Day 2023: World Stroke Day is celebrated every year on 29th October. The purpose of celebrating this day is to make people aware of the dangers of stroke. Our health is in our hands. To stay fit, if you pay attention to these two things - a healthy lifestyle and eating habits, then surely you can stay away from diseases for a long time. Stroke can affect our lives to a great extent, so it is important to understand it and know how it can be avoided. On World Stroke Day, let us understand the nuances of its prevention so that you can stay safe against this silent killer.

Stroke can affect anyone, whether young or old. High blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, obesity, and drinking too much alcohol can increase the risk of stroke.

Dr. Sandeep Borse, Neurologist, at Jahangir Hospital, says, “The main reason for celebrating World Stroke Day is to make people aware of its dangers and to tell them about the measures to prevent and prevent it and how necessary lifestyle changes can reduce its dangers.” can be reduced. When a blood vessel in the brain bursts and starts bleeding or the brain is not properly supplied with blood, a stroke occurs."

Stroke prevention measures

Have a healthy diet

The first step to prevent stroke is lifestyle change. In which a healthy diet is very important. The diet includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Do physical activities

Do physical activities like jogging, walking, or swimming for some time every day, this keeps the weight under control and the risk of stroke is negligible. There is a solid connection between physical and mental health, so understand its importance. Along with yoga, and exercise, also do meditation and pranayam. This removes stress and keeps the mind calm.

Be aware of symptoms

Timely identification of its symptoms is extremely important in the fight against stroke. For this, you should know about the word FAST - Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, and Time to call emergency services. By having information about this, you can take the necessary steps on time.

Get regular health checkups done

The risks of stroke can also be reduced by getting regular health checkups done. Routine health checkup keeps us informed about things like cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, etc. So that if there is any fluctuation, it can be corrected with the help of necessary medical assistance.

Avoid smoking

Smoking is very harmful to health. This not only increases the risk of cancer but also brain stroke. Because it reduces the level of oxygen in the body. Therefore, the sooner you quit smoking, the better.

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