A worrying research has emerged for pregnant women. A recent study has shown that alcohol consumption (even in moderation) during pregnancy can increase the risk of birth abnormalities in babies. This research has been published in the Alcohol Clinical and Experimental Research Journal.

Researchers in the study shared their findings at a conference held in Chicago. They analyzed data from more than 20 thousand adults, whose average age was 48 years. Half men and half women were included in the study. Information was taken from these people about their alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Besides, health data of their children at the time of birth was also collected.

Effect on child's weight and length:

According to the study, women who consumed alcohol even in small amounts during pregnancy were more likely to have low birth weight and length in their children. Researchers found that alcohol consumption during pregnancy (especially around conception and in the early stages of pregnancy) can affect the development of babies.

Apart from staying away from alcohol completely,

this study is proof that alcohol consumption (no matter how small the quantity) during pregnancy can be dangerous. Researchers say that the best solution is to completely stay away from alcohol during pregnancy. However, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2020 revealed a different opinion regarding the consumption of alcohol in moderation during pregnancy.

What experts say

Dr. Elena Bakhireva, the lead researcher of the new study, says that more research is needed on the effects of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. She also emphasizes that pregnant women should talk openly with their doctors about the dangers of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

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