Joint pain becomes a common problem during the winter season. Due to cold, the muscles contract, which reduces the lubrication between the bones and causes pain. This problem increases especially for the elderly. But there is no need to panic! Some yoga asanas prove helpful in providing relief from joint pain and strengthening them in this season. Let us know about 5 such yoga asanas.

Surya Namaskar

It is considered a complete practice of yoga, it consists of 12 asanas, which stretch and strengthen all the body parts. Doing Surya Namaskar regularly reduces joint pain, increases flexibility and also improves blood circulation.


This asana is done while standing like a tree, it strengthens the muscles of the legs and knees, thereby reducing pressure on the joints. Apart from this, this asana also improves the balance of the body.


This asana is done in two forms, Virabhadrasana 1 and Virabhadrasana 2. Both the asanas stretch and strengthen the muscles of the legs, and also make the spine flexible. This asana proves to be very beneficial in joint pain.


It is also called Parvatasana or Mountain Pose. This asana is done while standing with straight arms and legs. This asana improves body balance, keeps the spine straight and strengthens the leg muscles.


This asana is very good for relaxation. In this, one has to sit on the knees and rest the forehead on the ground. This asana relaxes the spine, reduces stress and provides relief from joint pain.

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