The Blue Zones refers to the 5 places around the world where residents live the longest and happiest lives. It includes Ikaria (Greece), Okinawa (Japan), the Ogliastra province of Sardinia (Italy), the Adventist communities in Loma Linda (California) and the Nicoya Peninsula (Costa Rica). Inspired by the eating habits of the people living in these areas, National Geographic Fellow and author Dan Bettner introduced the Blue Zones Diet to the world. It mainly includes those things that are consumed by the people living there, which helps them maintain an active lifestyle and stay fit for a long time.

The Blue Zones diet consists of about 95% green, leafy vegetables. These are low in calories but high in fiber. They provide essential nutrients and antioxidants, supporting overall health during your weight loss journey. Leafy vegetables and legumes have a low glycemic index, which helps stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent energy cravings and cravings. Adding greens and legumes to your diet can help you lose excess weight while maintaining a balanced, nutritious diet.

Avoid processed bread as well as oil.

People living in Blue Zones believe in holistic eating habits. Thus sourdough and multigrain bread, as opposed to processed white flour, is the preferred form of bread that we are accustomed to eating. Even when it comes to oil for cooking or pouring over salads or soups, people living in the Blue Zones prefer unprocessed, olive oil over soybean or sunflower oil, which we Indians mainly use. Do it from. Thus, using extra virgin olive oil can help in your weight loss journey compared to the regular variant.

Make water a priority

Water is important for your health, no matter what diet you are on. Thus, if you are on the Blue Zones diet, try to maintain hydration mostly in the form of water, while avoiding any sugary or added drinks. Thus, try to limit processed juices, soft drinks (even diet or zero-sugar ones) and drinks with artificial sugar.

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