How to Protect Your Lungs: Lungs are the first door of the body. To stay alive, every cell of the human body needs oxygen. When we breathe, many types of gases and oxygen reach the lungs. Lungs filter all this and deliver only oxygen to every part of our body. Lungs expel other gases and deliver oxygen to the blood vessels.

Not only this, the lungs protect our body from harmful things. That means the lungs are one of the most important organs of our life. However, due to the impact of pollution that people are facing these days, the maximum pressure falls on the lungs. Due to these reasons, the lungs have started becoming weak. The lungs of people living in cities have started deteriorating. If you want to save your lungs from the onslaught of pollution, then you should include some important tasks in your life every day from an early age. This will keep the lungs strong and our body will continue to get oxygen.

Formula to strengthen lungs
1. Quit smoking right away – Dr. S., Senior Consultant, Pulmonary Medicine, in HT news. Of. Chhabra has said that smoking is most responsible for lung weakness. Smoking causes cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

2. Avoid exposure to pollution strengthen the lungs, and avoid outdoor and indoor pollution as much as possible. Do not come in contact with secondhand smoke, smoke, gases, etc. emanating from chimneys and factories. Maintain ventilation in the house and use an air purifier if necessary.

3. Regular exercise-Regular exercise is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the lungs. Lung muscles are strengthened by aerobic exercises like jogging, swimming, and cycling.

4. Balanced diet-Always include a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in your diet. All these elements strengthen the function of the lungs and prevent any kind of inflammation in the lungs. Therefore, include fresh fruits, green vegetables, and whole grains in your diet.

5. Stay hydrated - Lack of water in the body is a recipe for many diseases. Therefore always stay hydrated. With this, the mucus lining in the lungs remains intact.

6. Do breathing exercises – To strengthen the lungs, do breathing exercises. This includes long deep breathing, yoga, and meditation. This improves the function of the lungs.

7. Do not consume alcohol – Alcohol is very bad for the lungs. Therefore, limit alcohol consumption completely.

8. Do not take stress – Stress also contributes a lot to damage the lungs. So don't be stress. Taking stress will not only affect the lungs but will also cause many other diseases.