In today's time where some people are worried about their obesity, on the other hand, some people are also sad about their low weight. You must have seen many people they are very lean. Such people often feel embarrassed because of their lean bodies. Many times people start consuming unhealthy food to increase their weight, which is not the right way. The best way to increase the weight is to increase the weight gradually. For this, you need to include such things in your diet which are healthy as well as help in gaining weight. Let us know about such a diet…

The number of calories, protein and nutrition can vary depending on the size of the eggs. If we talk about a medium-sized egg, then it contains about 77 calories, 6 grams of protein, and 5 grams of fat. People gaining weight can consume eggs according to their calories. If someone eats 5 eggs, he can get 385 calories from eggs for breakfast. According to studies, the egg is considered very beneficial for health, so it should be consumed by everyone. At the same time, it works like a panacea for those who gain weight.

Consuming raisins is considered most beneficial for weight gain. A sufficient amount of calories is found in raisins, which will help in gaining weight very quickly.

Include potatoes in your regular diet. Potato contains carbohydrates and complex sugar which helps in gaining weight. For this, you can eat potatoes in any way, but try not to over-fry them.