Nowadays, the problem of white hair is being caused by people of all ages. This problem is also inside people of a younger age. According to the researchers, today's food is very bad, due to which its effect is seen in the hair. In such a situation, when people start using color, the hair becomes even weaker. Then no one can stop it from falling. So Today we will tell you about a flower, by applying which your hair will always remain natural. There will never be a need to color hair.

Evergreen flowers
An evergreen flower will help a lot in keeping your hair natural. It is also called a perennial flower. It is very beneficial for hair problems. To get rid of hair problems and avoid chemical things, you should use this flower. You can make a dye of this flower and apply it to the hair. After applying for a few months, its effect will start to see you.

Take 20 to 30 flowers of evergreen and take 15 to 20 leaves. Take two teaspoons of tea leaves and take a pudding coffee. First of all, add the tea leaf to half a cup of water and boil it well, then filter it and cool it. When it cools down, mix flowers and leaves in it and grind it well in a grinder, then remove the paste in a bowl and add coffee to it. If you want to make it more effective, then cover it in an iron pan for 2 hours, because keeping it in an iron pan will provide plenty of iron which will be included in the nutrients of the hair. After this, apply it well to your hair. After about 1 hour wash the hair with shampoo, you can do this twice a week. Soon your hair will turn black to black.