An estimated two-thirds of the world's population has an eye plus, minus or cylindrical number. Having an eye number is not a disease, but it can have a negative effect on the life of a person wearing glasses. Following which people are undergoing LASIK eye surgery.

In today's fast paced lifestyle people are unable to take care of their health and eyes.

Constantly looking at the computer screen in mobile and office every day is having a bad effect on the eyes.

Problems like eye irritation and dryness are increasing due to this reason. It is common to have distant and near vision impaired by working on the screen for hours. As a result, premature eyesight is diminished today. If you also have such a problem, some yogasanas can be used to increase the brightness of the eyes.


1. This yoga asana is very effective for keeping the eyes healthy.

2. To do this, first close your eyes and take a deep breath.

3. Now rub your palms so fast that it gets hot.

4. Now feel the warmth in the palms and eye muscles.

5. Stay in this position until the heat of the hand is completely absorbed by the eyes.

6. After this, keep your eyes closed and keep your hands down.

7. Repeat this process three times.

Do eye exercises by changing the focus

1. First keep your finger at a distance.

2. Then focus on your finger.

3. Now slowly move your finger away from your face rather than focusing on this finger.

4. Focus on your finger at the same distance for a few seconds.

5. Then slowly bring it back to your eye instead of focusing on your finger.

6. Now focus on something away from you.

7. Do this process 3 times.