Reducing belly fat or fat is very tricky. Simple exercise and diet can reduce overall body fat but there is a lot of difficulty in burning stubborn belly fat. There are many types of exercises to reduce belly fat and strengthen the muscles. If you are looking for a workout routine that is not only easy and effective but also one that you can do at home or the gym, then you can try plank. Planks are an effective bodyweight workout that builds core strength, stability, and flexibility. Metabolism can also be improved by regular practice. Different variations of the plank help target your core and burn belly fat. If Plank is done properly, then you can get better results in a single month. Let us know about the right way to do Plank.

Correct posture is important
When you are doing a plank, your posture should be perfect. In a perfect plank posture, your legs should be straight, your back should be parallel to the ground and your spine should be straight. You shouldn't bend your knees or arch your back either. Both arms should be straight and parallel to the floor. Also, engage your glutes in this so that you can burn calories.

Hold longer
Another thing that can be beneficial is timing, ie how long you hold the plank. Plank looks easy but when you practice it, the whole body has to be involved. Hold the plank as long as you can. By doing this, not only will your belly fat be reduced, but the muscles of the abs will also be toned.

Try a variation
There are many variations of Plank, which can be tried to achieve the goal of weight loss. Doing forearm or full plank every day can get boring, so you might want to try other variations. You can choose from side plank to knee plank and straight arm plank. All these exercises are very effective.

Move into the plank position
Side moves can be done to make the plank position more difficult. Apart from this, plank jack, up or down the plank, and mountain climber workouts can help in reducing fat. More and more fat can be burnt by this.

The right way to do a plank
First, get into the push-up position.

Bend your arms at the elbows, keeping the weights on your sides.

Engage your core and squeeze your glutes.

Keep your body straight from head to heels.

Maintain the position as long as you can.

In this way, by doing a regular plank, you can reduce your belly fat and reduce obesity by reducing weight.