Men's Health: After marriage, most men want to become a father, but there is a panic about eating such a diet because it is not considered good for male fertility.

Does Soy Affect Male Fertility: Soy is a part of our regular diet, it is a rich source of plant-based protein because it contains nutrients from plants and many types of amino acids. It is as much a controversial food as it is rich in nutrients. Many people believe that this soy is not good for men, its libido and testosterone levels start decreasing, which is why many men shy away from eating it, after all, how much is true in this, is there any scientific basis for this? Well, let's know about this in detail from the experts.

What is the opinion of experts about soy?

Dr. Ayushi Yadav, a famous dietician working at GIMS Hospital, Greater Noida, told ZEE NEWS that whether eating soy is beneficial for men or not, does it have a bad effect on male fertility? Should men stay away from sleeping?

Vegetarians' choose soy

Soy is a rich source of protein for those who are vegetarian. This nutrient is found in abundance in non-veg foods like meat and eggs. Therefore, soya is a great option for vegetarian people.

Should men eat soy or not?

According to Dr. Ayushi Yadav, eating soy does not affect the fertility of men, he said, 'Some experts advise men not to eat soy because it contains phytoestrogens. It is known to mimic the female hormone estrogen. Many people believe that the isoflavones present in soy reduce the level of testosterone, which reduces male fertility.

However, through much research, it has been revealed that the mechanism of action of both isoflavone and estrogen is different. Therefore, men should eat soy carelessly, so that there is no shortage of protein in the body.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, take medical advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm this.)