Diabetes Control Tips: For good health with diabetes, any patient must maintain his blood glucose level, otherwise the pain in the feet can also be out of tolerance.

Foot Pain in Diabetes: Diabetes is a disease that is considered to be the root of many other problems. Due to this, heart disease, kidney disease, and all kinds of problems arise, one of which is severe pain in the legs, due to which it becomes difficult for the patients to walk. It is common to have foot pain after increasing blood sugar levels, but if you adopt some home remedies then this problem can be overcome. Let's look at those measures.

Diabetic patients can get rid of foot pain in this way

1. Control blood sugar

Maintaining blood sugar levels for diabetes patients is the first condition to stay healthy, without this it cannot be imagined to remove any kind of problem. For this, you should bring changes to your daily lifestyle and food habits. From your food, fix the time for exercise and sleep and do not bring many changes in it. Make a distance from more sweet and oily foods, because the risk of diseases increases a lot.

2. Increase physical activities

Exercise is the solution to many problems, this thing is also applicable to diabetes patients. If you do daily workouts, then it will be a little easier to bear the pain in the feet, and gradually the pain will also go away. In this way, your blood circulation improves and your sugar level also remains under control. Take a break from the day's work and take some time out for the gym, if this is not possible, then walk or jog in the nearby field or park. With this, you will feel better and at the same time, fitness will also be maintained.

3. Use warm water:

With the help of warm water, the pain in the feet can be removed, use lukewarm water to wash your feet, or even use such water for bathing. May prove beneficial.

4. Take special care of the feet:

When there is severe pain in the feet, then find out whether you are making any mistakes. You clean your feet and the nails there should also be cut regularly. Before going to sleep at night and after waking up in the morning, observe whether the swelling has increased. Neuropathic treatment is very effective for diabetes patients, in which pain is relieved with the help of special shoes and slippers.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general knowledge. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)