Diabetes Risk Factor: Diabetes patients are at increased risk of health when there is an increase in blood sugar level, in such a situation some warning signs are received from the body.

Diabetic Foot Ulcer Symptoms: Diabetes is a serious disease in itself, but it also gives rise to many other diseases, because the effect of increased sugar levels in the blood is also on other parts of the body. If a blister-like mark appears on your feet or soles, then it is a sign of great danger, because the blisters don't need to be caused by tight shoes. Usually, such symptoms are common in diabetic patients. If measures are not taken to prevent these wounds, then the body may have to suffer a lot.

Wounds in the feet due to diabetes

The problem we are talking about is called 'Diabetic Foot Ulcer', in which many times the wound increases so much that blood starts coming out of it. In such a situation, the victim should not consider it a common wound and should immediately contact the doctor.

What is Diabetic Foot Ulcer?

'Diabetic Foot Ulcer' is a disease in which there is first a minor wound on the soles of the feet, which people usually ignore, but gradually this wound increases due to increasing infection, and problems start. become.

How do avoid this ulcer?

If you maintain your blood sugar level, then problems like 'Diabetic Foot ulcers' can be avoided.

When the glucose level in the blood is normal, the wound heals faster, on the contrary, when the sugar is increased, then the wound starts growing instead of decreasing.

If you are a diabetic, then you have to keep an eye on your feet. If you see a wound, blister, or red mark, get it checked immediately.It is most important that you focus on maintaining a healthy diet and a better lifestyle because this is where a healthy journey begins.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, take medical advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm this.)