Don't Drink Too Much Tea: After water, tea is the second most consumed drink in India, there is no dearth of its fans. People like to start the morning with morning tea and have taken many sips throughout the day. Some people have so much craving for tea that they are never able to refuse it and knowingly or unknowingly they are harming themselves.

Health can deteriorate from tea

Even though the caffeine present in the tea gives peace of mind for a while, the desire to keep oneself fresh can spoil the health of the body. Let us tell you today what are the disadvantages of drinking too much tea.

5 disadvantages of drinking too much tea

1. Caffeine Dependency

The biggest disadvantage of drinking tea several times a day is that it increases the dependence on caffeine to a great extent, then it only harms in the long term. That is, if you do not drink tea when you get the urge, then you may have to face restlessness and headache. Actually, it affects our neurons, due to which such a situation comes.

2. Stomach upset

Most of us wake up in the morning and get a craving for tea, which is also called bed tea, Do not drink tea on an empty stomach even by mistake because it can worsen digestion and cause stomach problems.

3. Diabetes

Diabetes is such a disease whose treatment has not been found yet, although it can be controlled by avoiding diet. Most doctors advise diabetic patients not to drink tea with sugar.

4. Obesity

Some people want to lose weight fast, but cannot give up the temptation of tea. Know this thing that excessive consumption of tea becomes the cause of obesity, so avoid this drink today.

5. Effects on heart health

If you want to keep your heart health better, some things should be excluded from the daily diet, one of them is tea. Some elements are found in it which are a threat to a healthy heart.

It is dangerous to heat tea again and again

Some people prepare tea once due to laziness and drink it again and again after heating it. Due to this, the harm of tea increases much more because harmful chemicals start getting released in it.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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