Ayurvedic Remedy: Ayurveda has given many remedies to deal with health problems. Due to a bad lifestyle, many health-related problems have to be faced these days. Due to lack of sleep, lack of physical activity and unhealthy diet, there is a very bad effect on our health. Sometimes the problem of migraine also increases. In such a situation, Ayurvedic doctor Dr Mihir Khatri has shared a video. He has told that eating Rabri-Jalebi can provide relief from migraine. It also works as an Ayurvedic remedy. Let us know how effective is Rabri-Jalebi for migraine.

Mihir Khatri has told while sharing this video. Migraine is cured by eating Rabri-Jalebi after waking up in the morning. According to Mihir Khatri, sunrise is associated with Vata. This causes pain. Jalebi and Rabri are phlegmatic foods. They bring balance to the doshas. They help in getting rid of the problem of headaches. It can be eaten for 1-3 weeks. But diabetes and lactose intolerance people should avoid it completely.

According to allopathy
According to allopathy, a doctor must be consulted before eating such foods for any disease. Many people are prediabetic. In such a situation, eating so many sweets can be harmful to health. Because of this their sugar level may increase. Jalebi contains a lot of calories. Because it is served by dipping it in sugar syrup. This can increase your sugar level. For this, diabetic patients and prediabetic people must consult a doctor before eating such foods.

It can also cause chronic diseases. Flour is used to make Jalebi. This is not a healthy option. There is a lack of fibre in it. Consuming it regularly can cause many chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypercholesterolemia, high blood pressure etc. A combination of Rabri Jalebi can also cause cancer. Jalebis are deep-fried in hydrogenated oil. It is full of trans fats. This can increase the risk of cancer. Apart from this, Rabdi contains sugar and saturated fat.