Most of the people in our country are fond of tea, whether it is milk tea or green tea. Nowadays, green tea is gaining popularity as people believe that it has various health benefits, especially aiding in weight loss. Many of you might be consuming green tea for its purported benefits in losing excess weight. However, there are many myths related to it.

Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal shared a video on her Instagram discussing three myths related to green tea. Let us know these myths:

drinking more is beneficial
Contrary to the belief that consuming more green tea is beneficial, Namami Agarwal suggests that excessive consumption may disturb the acid levels in the stomach, leading to potential acidity problems. Therefore, moderation is important when it comes to green tea consumption.

Green tea is caffeine-free:
Experts clarify that green tea contains caffeine and excessive consumption of it can interfere with sleep patterns, causing problems like restlessness, anxiety, irritability, and sleep disturbance. If you are sensitive to caffeine, consuming excessive green tea may not be appropriate.

Green tea helps in weight loss:
Namami Agarwal mentions that green tea alone does not contribute significantly to weight loss or burning calories. Although it may play a role in weight management, it is not recommended to rely solely on green tea without incorporating exercise and a balanced diet for effective weight loss.

Green tea contains caffeine and a specific flavonoid called catechin, which is known for its antioxidant properties. This combination can boost metabolism, break down excess fat, and boost energy. However, it is not advisable to rely only on green tea for weight loss.

benefits of green tea:

The polyphenols present in green tea may provide a neuroprotective effect, which is beneficial for memory.
The amino acid L-theanine present in green tea can help reduce stress and anxiety.
Green tea may be beneficial for cholesterol, especially in reducing LDL cholesterol.
It may improve insulin sensitivity and help control blood sugar levels, potentially helping to manage and reduce type 2 diabetes.
The antioxidants in green tea, particularly catechins, may contribute to reducing inflammation.
Although green tea offers potential health benefits, it is important to consume it in moderation and not rely solely on it for weight loss.