PC: Allrecipes

Chia seeds are very beneficial for health. It contains many nutrients. According to a news release in Healthline, chia seeds contain protein, fiber, unsaturated fats, antioxidants, and several important micronutrients. Along with this, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins are also present in chia seeds. Consuming chia seeds with almond milk further increases its benefits. Today we are telling you the benefits of chia seeds and almond milk.

1. Strengthens digestion: Consuming chia seeds with almond milk on an empty stomach in the morning strengthens digestion. Chia seeds are rich in fiber. Its use cleans the stomach well. Soak chia seeds in water overnight and drink them with almond milk in the morning.

PC: Yummy Tummy

2. Regulate blood sugar: Consuming chia seeds keeps blood sugar under control. Chia seeds may be helpful in managing healthy blood sugar levels.

3. Strengthens the heart: Fiber-rich chia seeds contain an omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid. It is very beneficial for keeping your heart healthy. Its daily intake keeps the heart fit and healthy.

PC: Low Carbing Asian

4. Improvement in skin: Consuming chia seeds improves skin. The fatty acids present in chia seeds are extremely helpful in turning dull, lifeless skin back to healthy and supple skin. Drinking almond milk with chia seeds keeps the skin hydrated. With its use, the skin remains soft and shiny.

5. Lose weight: Chia seeds are rich in soluble fiber. Consuming chia seeds with almond milk helps in weight loss. Consuming chia seeds provides a feeling of fullness for a longer period of time, which keeps you from feeling hungry and slows down the absorption of food. That's why you consume fewer calories.