Photo credit: aajtak

We all know very well that when a girl becomes a mother then it is the most beautiful feeling for her because at this time lot of happiness is going to come in the life of the mother. During pregnancy, along with the health of the mother, special care has to be taken for the health of the child growing in the womb, in which case special care has to be taken for eating and drinking. Health experts say that the pregnancy diet is quite different as the mind should get complete nutrition at this time. Pregnant women must eat green vegetables, fruits, and nuts as well as some things like Jamun fruit. Do you know how the consumption of berries during pregnancy affects the health of mother and child, if not, then you must read this article today because through this article you will be told about the benefits of eating berries during pregnancy. Consuming Jamun is very beneficial for health, if a pregnant woman consumes Jamun then in her womb It also helps in the development of the unborn child. Let us know about it in detail

Photo credit: Jagran

* Jamun is rich in nutrients:

Even though the color of Jamun is black, this juicy fruit is rich in nutrients. Along with a lot of antioxidant properties, calcium and phosphorus and many types of flavonoids are found in it for strengthening the bones. Fiber is found in plenty in Jamun. If seen from this perspective, consumption of Jamun is very beneficial for pregnant women because a pregnant woman needs a lot of nutrients and all these nutrients are found in abundance in Jamuna.

Photo credit: aajtak

* Why should Jamun be eaten during pregnancy:

Pregnant women are asked to eat blackberries because calcium is found in abundance in it, which strengthens the bones of the baby. Apart from this, the blood pressure of the pregnant woman also remains under control by consuming blackberries. If you have the problem of increased blood pressure during pregnancy then you must consume blackberries. It is seen that many times pregnant women or during periods start having problems related to constipation and digestion, in such a situation consumption of blackberries can prove beneficial for you because consumption of blackberries helps in improving digestion and boosting metabolism. Consuming blackberries also improves the heart health of the pregnant woman and the baby because folic acid, fats, protein, and sodium are found in abundance in blackberries, that is why pregnant women are advised to consume blackberries.