At present, it is seen that diabetes is such a problem that very fast people are being made their victims all over the world. Diabetes is such a disease that once a person becomes its victim, it does not leave behind him for his whole life. Health experts tell in which body insulin plays an effective role in controlling blood sugar. There are many medicines available to increase the production of insulin in the body, but they also have many side effects, so if you also want to increase the production of insulin in your body in a native way without any harm, then you can use figs for this. You can use the leaves, let us tell you through this article about the benefits of fig leaves -

* To control diabetes, use fig leaves in this way:

You all must be well aware that fig fruit can be used both fresh or dried. Its leaves have tremendous anti-diabetic properties. To use it, first of all, you take 4- Boil 5 leaves in a water well for 10 minutes, after that consume that water like tea. If you want, you can prepare its powder by drying and grinding fig leaves, after that mix half a teaspoon of powder in a cup of water and consume it like tea, in both ways it is beneficial for you.

* Beneficial for heart-related diseases:

Consumption of fig leaves can prove to be very beneficial for people suffering from heart disease because omega-3 and omega-6 are found in fig leaves which are effective in maintaining the health of our hearts. Not only this but a soluble fiber called pectin is also found in fig leaves, which helps in removing extra cholesterol from the body.

* Help in removing weakness of bones:

The consumption of fig leaves can prove to be very beneficial for those people who have the problem of weakness in bones, for this they should consume the powder of fig leaves. Potassium and calcium are found in good amounts in fig leaves, which helps in strengthening bone density of the bones. By consuming it, the problem of bone pain also starts to go away.