Photo Credit: The Ujjwal

We all know very well that daily walking is very beneficial for our health. You must have heard this many times, but even today people keep thinking that if you want to lose weight, then you must walk daily. But let us tell you that doing that not only reduces weight but our health also gets many other amazing benefits. According to the report, it is said that walking is beneficial for our overall health because according to a study, it has been revealed that the more you walk, the more your health benefits and it also helps in increasing your age. Now the question comes how many steps should a person walk daily or not to stay healthy?

In today's time, everyone wants to live a healthy life, but for this, it is very important to have a balanced diet and daily routine. In today's busy life, not everyone has enough time to do daily workouts. You can spare 1 to 2 hours for this. But walking is such an activity that you can easily complete, let us know through this article that walking how many steps in 1 day is beneficial for your health. And what are the benefits you get from this? Let's know -

Photo Credit: Janprahar

* Problems related to the heart are less:

Let us tell you that according to a study in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, it has been told that if you walk less than 500 to 1000 daily, then the risk of death due to heart-related diseases or any other reason is reduced to a great extent.

* How many steps are beneficial to walk daily:

According to a study, it has been revealed that if you run at least ₹ 2337 less daily, then the risk of death from heart-related diseases is reduced to a great extent, whereas if you run about 3967 less daily, then the risk of death from other diseases is also reduced. Work is done to a great extent The study has revealed that even walking 500 less daily reduces the risk of death from heart-related diseases by 7% while walking 1000 steps has been found to reduce the risk by 15%. Apart from this, if we talk about how many steps have to be taken daily, then according to short, it has been told that till now there is no limit for this. Because studies say that the health benefits of daily walking keep on increasing. This result is based on the study done on different people.

Photo Credit: Online Seekho

* What WHO says about this:

Let us tell you that according to the World Health Organization, low physical activity has been cited as the fourth most important cause of death worldwide, due to which there are about 3.2 million deaths every year. According to an estimate, a quarter of the people in the world spend such a life in which they do physical activity at all.