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When it rains after the scorching heat, there is relief from the heat. Along with this, monsoons and rains bring a lot of trouble. Some people also believe that this time of the year has a big impact on the digestive system as well. Stomach problem starts during rainy days. Symptoms include diarrhea, cramping, indigestion, and abdominal pain. But is it really because of the rain? Does rain harm the digestive system? We will learn more about this in the article ...

image credit: sentinelassam

The digestive system gets disturbed when it rains. In the rainy season, the viral and bacterial risk is high due to the increased incidence of both these viruses and rotavirus. This virus harms those people whose immunity is weak.

image credit: healthwire

Microorganisms are very active in the rain. In such a situation, these animals mainly eat market food. This is because dumplings and samosas, which are often found in the markets, are sold outside. So, these microorganisms are present in them and when we eat them, they attack our immunity.