In case of headaches in the morning, people immediately take painkillers, so that it does not affect their daily routine. While painkillers do not solve the actual problem of pain, gradually this problem becomes common. Every day, as soon as I wake up in the morning, I start having pain along with heaviness in the head, which persists throughout the day. If seen, Ayurveda is the only safe and better option to eliminate the problem of headaches from its roots.

In this article, we are going to tell you effective Ayurvedic remedies to get rid of headaches in the morning. We talked to Ayurveda expert Ayurvedacharya Sandeep Upadhyay about this and are sharing the information received from him with you here. Ayurvedacharya Sandeep Upadhyay explains that in Ayurveda, physical defects arising from an imbalance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha are considered responsible for headaches. In such a situation, for its treatment, first of all, an attempt is made to remove the imbalance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Headache occurring in the morning is SuryavartaShiroroga.

Ayurvedacharya Sandeep Upadhyay says that if we talk about headaches occurring especially in the morning, then it is known as SuryavartaShirorog in Ayurveda. In Suryavarta Headache, headache increases and decreases according to the movement of the Sun. Just as the headache starts in the morning as soon as the sun rises and becomes intense as the day progresses, it also ends as the evening approaches.

Why do headaches start as the day progresses?

Our Ayurveda experts say that the condition of SuryavartaShirorog occurs due to all three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. When the body temperature drops at night, phlegm accumulates in the nerves of the head. Due to the accumulation of phlegm in the nerves of the head at night, the movement of Vata gets disrupted and in such a situation, when you wake up in the morning, you feel heaviness and pain in the head. As the day progresses, this phlegm starts melting due to increasing temperature and gradually the headache caused by it also starts going away.

Apart from temperature, unbalanced eating habits and excessive running around also cause the problem of SuryavartaShirrogya i.e. headache in the morning. Therefore, to get rid of this, the eating habits and daily routine must be completely regular. Talking about Ayurvedic treatments, purification rituals can be done in Ayurveda hospitals to balance Vata-Pitta and Kaphadoshas.

Ayurvedic remedies to get relief from headache

  • The following measures can be adopted under the supervision of an Ayurvedic specialist to get relief from SuryavartaShir disease.
  • To maintain normal body temperature at night, massage the soles of the feet with mustard oil. By doing this, heat will be generated in the body and the accumulation of phlegm will reduce.
  • Before sleeping at night, put almond, mustard or any good brand of Shadbindu oil in the nose. This will also provide a lot of relief in the problem of headaches along with a blocked nose.
  • Do practice Anulom-Vilom for some time at night before sleeping, this will also provide relief from a blocked nose and headache.
  • Consuming hot milk along with sweets in the morning is also helpful in providing relief from the problem of headaches. For this, you can take hot milk from Jalebi.
  • To keep the body warm and to control phlegm, consume ginger and garlic as much as possible.
  • Peppermint oil is also considered very effective in getting rid of headaches caused due to colds and coughs. Massaging with mint oil provides relief from stress as well as heaviness in the head.
  • On the other hand, if the headache is due to VataDosha caused by indigestion in the stomach, then mint juice can be consumed for this.
  • Consumption of Pippali is considered beneficial in reducing headache caused by phlegm, for this you can take its powder, oil or extract.
  • Consuming Triphala powder opens the blocked sinus passages easily and provides relief from headaches to a great extent. For this, consume one spoon of Triphala powder with warm water every day before sleeping.

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