Side Effects Of Turmeric (Haldi): Turmeric is a spice that is used to enhance the taste and color of food. The scientific name of turmeric is Curcuma longa. Turmeric for Health is used as a medicine in Ayurveda. Let us tell you that turmeric has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, such as calcium, iron, sodium, energy, protein, vitamin E, vitamin C, and fiber, which can help protect the body from many infections. But do you know the harm caused by turmeric (Side Effects of Turmeric), yes, excessive consumption of turmeric can be harmful to health? Not only this, some people especially should not consume turmeric.

So let us know for which people the consumption of turmeric is harmful.

1. Diabetes:

Diabetes patients are forbidden many food and drinking. Although the consumption of turmeric is considered beneficial for health, if you are a diabetic patient, then avoid excessive consumption of turmeric.

2. Joints:

People who have complaints of jaundice should not consume turmeric. This can make their problem worse.

3. Stone:

Stone patients are forbidden to eat many things, and one of them is turmeric. Stone patients are advised to reduce their intake of turmeric. The elements found in it can increase the problem of stone.

4. Bleeding from the nose:

The taste of turmeric is hot. In such a situation, these people should keep away from excessive consumption of turmeric. Those who complain of bleeding from the nose. Excessive consumption of turmeric can further aggravate this problem.