Baldness is a new problem emerging in today's times. Although hair fall with age is very common, now even the hair of young people is at risk. There can be many reasons for this. This includes everything from medical conditions to the mistakes made unknowingly every day.

Here we are telling you about some such mistakes with the help of which you can save your hair.

Using wrong shampoo and conditioner
Everyone's hair structure and needs are different. Using shampoo meant for oily hair on dry hair can make the hair lifeless. Similarly, using conditioner made for dry hair on oily hair does not clear the dirt accumulated on the scalp. Therefore, it is important to choose shampoo and conditioner according to your hair type.

Excessive use of styling products
Styling products like hair gel, spray and mousse help in styling the hair, but their excessive use can make the hair weak. These products make hair dry and lifeless, which increases the risk of hair breakage. In such a situation, try not to use styling products daily and whenever you do, choose light products.

Combing wet hair
Wet hair is more delicate and there is a greater risk of breakage when combing it. In such a situation, to prevent hair breakage, after washing the hair, dry them lightly with a towel and then gently untangle them with a wide-toothed comb.

Shampoo daily
Shampooing hair daily also causes hair to become weak. Therefore, shampoo your hair at a gap of 1-2 days. Also, apply light oil before washing your hair. This does not cause hair breakage.

Use of heating tools
If you use tools that use too much heat on your hair, you may become a victim of baldness very soon. Especially by curling or straightening the hair, the hair becomes very weak.

(PC: Freepik)