Hair loss is very common in women, especially because our hair goes through three cycles namely growth, infection and loss. This is the reason that every day about 25 to 100 hairs fall due to a natural process.

However, hair fall becomes a concern when we have more hair falls than this number. Like most things in life, we do not even think about controlling and preventing this problem until the problem becomes very serious.

If you are also troubled by hair fall then I am here to help you. But first, let us know why hairs fall.

Hair Fall Reasons in Female

Hair loss can be due to many things including lifestyle, diet, stress, and hormonal changes. However, unless the cause is medical or genetic, it is important to strengthen the body from within to control your hair fall and this can be done with a balanced diet.

Every one of us has nightmares of hair loss but we often forget that hair fall or hair growth is linked to our diet and lifestyle. You can apply oils and natural hair masks to your hair regularly but internal nourishment is as important as external care.

Sometimes, even after taking proper hair care, women continue to suffer from hair-related problems. Here are 3 nutrient-rich foods that can help keep your hair healthy and stop hair fall if consumed regularly.

We came to know about these foods after seeing the Instagram of celebrity nutritionist RujutaDiwekar. Include these foods in your daily diet to regrow hair and see the difference.

Best foods to prevent hair fall in monsoon

1. Fenugreek seeds for Hair Fall

  • Mix it with some warm coconut oil, let it cool, then massage your scalp and leave it overnight.
  • You can also add it while making kadhi and eat it with khichdi for dinner.
  • Alternatively, use it as a tempering for vegetables like pumpkin or to flavor your raita.

Fenugreek seeds are especially useful if hair fall is due to hormonal issues (PCOD, etc.). That's because it helps improve insulin response.

2. Olive Seeds for Hair Fall

  • It is also known by some people as Garden Cress or Halim.
  • Soak it and consume it with milk at night.
  • Roll these iron-rich seeds in ladoos with coconut and ghee for best results.
  • It also helps in the problem of hair fall due to chemo treatment.

3. Nutmeg (Benefits of Nutmeg for Hair Fall)

  • Add a small pinch to milk (with olive) and take it as dinner.
  • Vitamin B6, folic acid and magnesium present in it help in preventing hair fall.

Other useful stuff

  • Ghee – The essential fat present in it is good for hair.
  • Turmeric – Its immune-boosting properties prevent hair fall.
  • Yoghurt is rich in minerals and probiotic bacteria.

You can also reduce the problem of hair fall by including these things in your diet.

Image Credit: Shutterstock &Freepik

Article Credit: RujutaDiwekar