When do you have more problems with dandruff? Some women who have dry skin are more prone to it. Some women have to go through this problem from time to time. These are a kind of patches, which are visible on the scalp. These flakes start collecting on your hair. It is commonly associated with seborrheic dermatitis, which causes the skin to become flaky and itchy.

Award-winning celebrity cosmetic dermatologist and creator of MySkin, DrChitra often share skin and hair-related information on her social media handle.

He wrote in one of his posts, 'Dandruff is quite common among many people and it is quite irritating and leaves the skin dry and flaky. There are many factors for this happening which are stress, hormonal changes, less shampooing etc.'

In this article, let us tell you about the main causes of dandruff and anti-dandruff shampoo to eliminate it.

1. Stress increases dandruff

Have you ever thought that the problem of dandruff can also increase due to stress? Yes, DrChitra cites stress as one of the main causes of dandruff. Stress can exacerbate or worsen dandruff for some individuals. However, it cannot be directly linked to dandruff. This stimulates the MalasseziaGlobosa present in your scalp. A study by NCBI has also revealed that the prevalence of seborrheic dermatitis is higher in patients with mood depression.

2. Hormonal changes are the cause of dandruff

Hormonal changes are also one of the main causes of dandruff. Your hormones control oil production. Hormones play an important part in the production of natural oils. These are completely normal and essential to keep your hair and scalp moisturized.

But the production of sebum can cause dandruff when you are sensitive to oleic acid. For some people, there is also the problem of developing or increasing dandruff. This is especially the case during puberty when more oil is produced.

However, keep in mind that dandruff is not caused by hormones alone. If you are sensitive to oleic acid then there is a possibility that you may get dandruff.

3. Reasons for shampooing too little

Generally, dermatologists advise you not to shampoo your hair every day and do so so that you do not strip the natural oils from the scalp and hair. However, dandruff creates the opposite problem. Dirty hair by itself does not cause dandruff. But not washing your hair can cause oily buildup to cause flakes. The condition of dandruff worsens due to not shampooing enough. It deposits excess oil and dead skin cells on your scalp, which are attacked by fungus and yeast.

Apart from this, DrChitra also gives other reasons for dandruff which are as follows-

  • Poor diet also causes dandruff.
  • Dandruff can happen even if you have any kind of allergy
  • The sensitivity of any hair product also causes dandruff.

Get rid of dandruff with these ingredients shampoo

If you have a dandruff problem then you should not wash your head with any normal shampoo. Use only specially formulated shampoos for this. Choose the ingredients that can help you get rid of dandruff-

  1. Ingredients like salicylic acid, coal tar, zinc and Parthenon are must-haves in your shampoo.
  2. Prescribed shampoos must contain tea tree extract, ketoconazole and niacinamide.

Keep these tips in mind-

Also, know how often you should shampoo for the problem of dandruff. Shampooing too much and too little also increases the problem of dandruff.

  • Shampoo at least 2-3 times a week.
  • At first apply the shampoo to your scalp, massage for 1 minute and then wash the hair after leaving it for 2-3 minutes.
  • At other times it can be used by mixing it with your regular shampoo. After that, you can use conditioner.

If you also have the problem of dandruff, then this may be the reason. If the problem of dandruff is severe even after using anti-dandruff shampoo, then contact your dermatologist. Do not use any kind of medicine or shampoo without consulting it.

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