In today's time, people are facing many problems due to spoiled lifestyles and bad eating habits. Especially dryness of the skin and hair fall are very common problems.

There are many types of products available in the market for dullness of skin, but when it comes to hair, people get very worried due to its fall. Especially during the winter season, if hair is not taken proper care of, it starts falling rapidly. Although there can be many reasons for hair fall, the most important one is washing hair wrongly.

If you make some minor mistakes while washing your hair, it can cause your hair to fall rapidly. For this you need to wash your hair properly. Today we will tell you about those mistakes that people often commit knowingly or unknowingly.

Use hot water
Washing hair with too hot water can damage them and harm the scalp muscles. In such a situation, it is always considered better to wash hair with cold or lukewarm water.

Use more shampoo
If you use shampoo in excess, it can damage your hair. After getting damaged, hair starts breaking in large quantities. In such a situation, always choose shampoo according to your hair type and use it in the right quantity.

Rub too hard
Hair is very delicate. In such a situation, do not rub your hair too hard while washing it. Due to this the hair becomes weak and starts falling rapidly.

Keep track of time
If you wash your hair every day, it also makes your hair weak. In such a situation, wash your hair only three times a week at most, only then your hair will become strong.

Using conditioner incorrectly
Hair conditioner is never applied to the roots of the hair. If you do this then the hair starts becoming weak from the roots.