Dandruff Causes: Dandruff can occur due to a deficiency of certain elements in the body. In such a situation, we will tell you here that the problem of dandruff starts in the hair.

Dandruff Treatment At Home: Nowadays people have to face many types of problems related to hair. For example, the problem of hair fall, thin hair, lifeless hair, and dry hair are seen the most. But many people also have been troubled by the problem of dandruff. Although not taking care of hair, winter season, etc can be the main reasons for dandruff, due to a lack of certain elements in the body, dandruff can occur. In such a situation, we will tell you here which are those vitamins, due to which the problem of dandruff starts in the hair, let us know.

Dandruff occurs in the hair due to the deficiency of these vitamins

- Vitamin B3

It is also called niacin. Dandruff can occur when the body lacks this vitamin. Therefore it is considered necessary not only for health but also for hair and scalp. In such a situation, if you are facing a dandruff problem in your hair, then red meat, chicken, fish, brown rice, cereals, seeds, legumes, and bananas are good sources of vitamin B3 in your diet. You can make these things a part of your diet.

Vitamin B2-

If you have a lot of dandruff, then there may be a deficiency of Vitamin B2 in your body. Vitamin B2 is also known as riboflavin. This vitamin is very important for health, skin, and hair. Dairy milk, curd, paneer, eggs, non-veg, and salmon are sources of vitamin B2. You can include this vitamin in your diet when you have dandruff.

Zinc -

Zinc is essential for our overall health. It is a very important mineral for health and hair. Its deficiency leads to various health problems. Meat, lentils, seeds, nuts, and dark chocolate can be included in your diet.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, take medical advice. We do not confirm this.)