Vitamin B For Premature White Hair: Talking about many decades ago, white hair comes on the head of those people who have crossed the age of 40, but nowadays it has nothing to do with age. In the present era, a lot of whiteness is being seen in the hair of the youth. That's why the people of that young age group have started to have a fear that their hair may not get cooked. If you also want to avoid this problem, then do not let there be any shortage of a particular nutrient in the body.

Hair gets nourishment from healthy foods

If you eat your daily diet in a disciplined way, then you will not have to worry about the problems of white hair, even though some people have this problem due to genetic reasons, usually the real reason is unhealthy food habits. In such a situation, you must eat that food which has plenty of Vitamin B.

Do not let there be deficiency of Vitamin B in the body

As soon as there is deficiency of Vitamin B in our body, its warning signs are visible through hair, it also includes problems of hair fall and increased dryness of hair. You should pay attention to whether there are things containing vitamin B in your daily diet or not.

Make white hair black naturally

If your diet is not changed at the right time, it can harm the hair. For this, you can eat dairy products in which Vitamin B is found in abundance. Along with this, also consume such things in which vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 are also specially there.

Why Vitamin B deficiency is harmful

If there is a deficiency of vitamin B in the body, then the supply of oxygen to the hair starts decreasing. Deficiency of biotin and folic acid also leads to graying of hair at an early age due to which youth have to face embarrassment and low confidence.

Vitamin B is available from these foods


-Whole grain






-Green leafy vegetables




-Sunflower seed


-Fish -Meat

-Sweet Potato







(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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