Hair plays an important role in everyone's style, but hair fall is a very common thing in the changing seasons. For this reason, people especially women take care of their hair by taking various types of hair treatments.

These treatments don't need to have a good effect on your hair. Many times they damage the hair. In such a situation, today we will tell you about one such thing, using which many of your hair problems can be reduced.

Everyone uses a comb to groom their hair. People do not pay attention but the quality of the comb has a deep impact on your hair. In such situations, experts often recommend using a wooden comb. Yes, the wooden comb is considered best for combing hair. Many types of properties are found in it, which remove all the problems related to hair.

Hair tangles will go away
A plastic comb removes the tangle of hair, but the hair becomes frizzy again, after which hair starts falling. In such a situation, if you use a wooden comb then there will be no problem in detangling the hair nor will there be any hair fall.

Blood circulation will be good
The scalp is massaged using a wooden comb. In such a situation, if you use a wooden comb daily, it will improve the blood circulation of the head.

Moisture remains intact
Many types of natural oils come out from the scalp of the head, in such a situation this wooden comb works to distribute this oil evenly in the hair. This oil provides a natural shine to the hair. Due to this, the natural moisture in the hair remains intact.

Reduces the risk of infection
Wooden comb has many types of natural anti-bacterial properties, which reduce the risk of infection on the head.

Wooden comb is fragrant
A comb made of Neem or sandalwood available in the market makes the hair very beautiful. In such a situation, one gets relief from the bad smell coming due to sweat on the head.

(PC: Freepik)