Google's AI chat tool Google Bard has now become smarter than before. Memory feature has also come in Google Bard, that is, now Google Bard will also remember the chatting done with you.

For now, conversations with Google Bard will now be saved. Next time you open Google Bard, your old chats will be visible to you. It was not like this earlier. The new feature is going to prove very helpful.

To understand this new feature of Google Bard with an example, suppose you ask Google Bard for a recipe suggestion and you are allergic to any item included in it, then you will have to tell Google Bard about the allergy only once. Next time you chat, Google will remember what you are allergic to.

Google Bard's memory feature can be turned on from the left menu of chatting, that is, it will not be available by default. It is up to you whether you want to use the memory feature or not. You can turn it off whenever you want.

Google Bard's competitor ChatGPT already has this feature. Anyway, ChatGPT came before Google Bard and it is much more advanced than Google Bard.
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