If you also buy food items from the market, then you need to be careful. These days many food items sold in the market are being adulterated. Nowadays most of us consume ghee. Apart from food items, ghee is also used in worship. What if we tell you that these days adulterated ghee is being sold in many shops in the market? In the last few years, such cases have continuously come to light from different areas of the country, where shopkeepers have been caught selling adulterated ghee. In such a situation, if you are going to buy ghee in the market, then you should know some important things. If you don't know these things. In such a situation, you too may be fraudulently sold adulterated ghee. Let us know -

You can find out about the purity of ghee with the help of water. First of all, you have to take a glass of water and add one spoon of ghee to it. After doing this, if ghee floats on water, then it is real. Whereas if it sinks downwards in the water. In such a situation your ghee is adulterated.

You can find out about the purity of ghee by adding a little iodine salt. If the salt turns purple after adding iodine to it. In such a situation, there is a big possibility that starch has been mixed in it.

What color is ghee? By looking at this you can also differentiate between real and fake ghee. To know about this, you have to take one spoonful of ghee and heat it in a vessel.

After melting the agar ghee, it appears light brown. In this case, your ghee is real. Whereas ghee turns yellow after melting. In such a situation, there is a great possibility that it is adulterated. You should avoid consuming this type of ghee.

(PC: iStock)