How To Get Rid Of Leeches: At present, it is the rainy season in almost all parts of the country. Many people like the monsoon season in India very much, but many insects also start coming into the house during the monsoon season. Insects like flying ants, mosquitoes etc. are more in monsoon. In the rainy season, leeches also reach inside the house.

The leech is a rain bug that sometimes reaches inside the house through the window or drain of the house. Sometimes a leech bite causes very heavy bleeding. In such a situation, we are going to tell you some tips by following which you can easily drive away the leech from the house. Let's know.

Do this first

  • Before getting rid of the leech from the house, it is very important to know where the leeches come from inside the house.
  • Leeches most commonly enter the house through a window. Therefore, during the monsoon season, make sure to put a net on the outer side of the window.
  • Apart from this, leeches also reach the house through the medium of the drain. (Blood-sucking worm) Therefore you should also pay attention to the cleanliness of the drain.
  • It is also very important to take care of the cleanliness of the garden, as they are often seen in the garden.

Salt As Insecticide

Yes, salt is such a thing, using which you can remove the problem of leech in a few seconds. Let us tell you that the bitterness of salt can suffocate the nose of a leech. For this follow these steps-

  • If a leech is visible in any corner of the house, then you put salt around that place.
  • After adding salt, leave it for some time.
  • The bitterness of the salt will kill the leech or run away.

Kerosene Uses For Cleaning

Kerosene oil is such a liquid that due to its smell, from leech to all other rainfed insects will run away in a few seconds. Let us tell you that with the help of this oil, flying ants can also be removed during the rainy season. For this follow these steps-

  • First of all, mix 1 cup of kerosene oil in 1 litre of water and mix it well.
  • Now after filling this mixture in a spray bottle, sprinkle it around the drain or window.
  • If leeches are also visible in the garden, then make sure to spray the garden.
  • Because of its strong smell, the leech will never come.

Baking Soda Uses

Baking soda can be used not only in cooking or cleaning the house but also in leech removal. (KhoonPeene Wala Keeda) With its use there will be no odour and leeches will also run away. Follow these steps-

  • For this, first, put 2 teaspoons of baking soda in a mug of water and mix it well.
  • Now sprinkle this mixture in the window, drain and garden.
  • Make sure to sprinkle baking soda three to four times a week.
  • If you want, you can keep baking soda around the leech without mixing it with water.
  • Note: The use of lime can also drive away leeches.

Image Credit:(@dailymail,wpengine)


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