Summer holidays have started in the school for many children and many children are about to have holidays. In such a situation, children will stay at home for some time. When they go to school, there is not much problem regarding their food, the problem comes when the children stay at home. At that time everyone wants to feed their child everything he likes but during this time his health also has to be taken care of. Especially now when the scorching heat has started, people like to eat and feed cold things only.

If you are also thinking of making some tasty and cold dishes for your child, then fruit custard is a better option. Fruit custard is a dish that tastes delicious. It also provides relief from heat. If you serve this to your family and children in the summer season, then they will be happy to eat it.

Ingredients for making fruit custard





1/4 cup sugar

Chopped cashews


Custard powder


To make fruit custard, first boil the milk in a pan. While the milk is boiling, put some milk in a bowl and mix two tablespoons of custard powder in it. Keep in mind that it has to be mixed till the lumps in it melt.

Now pour the boiled milk in a non-stick pan. Now add sugar to it and keep stirring. When the sugar starts dissolving, turn off the gas and then pour the custard solution into it. Now stir it continuously and after stirring for some time, put it on the gas again.

After 5 minutes, when it starts thickening, turn off the gas and let it cool. When this solution cools down, cut all the fruits and add them to it. Lastly, cut almonds and cashews and add them on top. For better taste, keep it in the fridge and serve it cold.

(PC: Instagram)