High Protein Foods: Every day wake up in the morning. Get busy. From exercise to a job, including business, they do everything according to their physical energy. Energy is spent and regenerated every day. But do you know how our body gets energy? Protein, Vitamin, you must have heard these names. Doctors also say to eat a protein-rich food. This will strengthen the immunity system. Sick will be less. It is important to know here what problems can occur in the body due to a lack of protein.

Body swelling
Generally, the major cause of swelling is related to kidney failure. But suddenly swelling started in the body. Swelling on the face, hands, and legs are looking swollen then it can be a matter related to protein deficiency. Need to see a doctor immediately.

You must have seen it. Somewhere there is an injury and the wounds get cured by themselves in two to four days. But if the wound is not healing then it could be a symptom of protein deficiency. Protein-rich food should be included in the diet after consulting a doctor.

Mood swings
The effect of protein deficiency is visible in the brain. In this, the person becomes happy in one moment and sad in the next few minutes. This is a deficiency of protein.

To be tired
By taking a balanced amount of protein, there is a lack of energy in the body. Because of this, there is a problem of fatigue. If you also get tired very soon during work, then these are the symptoms of protein deficiency. To prevent fatigue, eat things like beans, quinoa, eggs, bananas etc. If you take non-veg, you can add chicken liver and red meat to your diet. This removes not only protein but also iron deficiency.

Nail, skin disease
Protein works to repair nails and skin. Protein plays an important role in making the skin. If there is any skin-related disease, then there can be a big role in protein deficiency in it. Dry skin and weak nails are symptoms of protein deficiency.

Increased appetite
People with protein deficiency feel very hungry. That's why a balanced diet should be taken. A bad diet can lead to a serious problem of obesity. Include 40 per cent protein, 30 percent fat and 30 percent carbohydrates in the diet.