An increase in LDL cholesterol can prove dangerous for your health. This is bad cholesterol which is sticky and thick. If its quantity exceeds, it accumulates on the walls of blood vessels and arteries, obstructing blood flow. An increase in cholesterol can cause problems like heart attack, high BP and obesity. In such a situation, if you also want to reduce bad cholesterol then consume these food items. Dietician Lavneet Kaur is giving information about this.

Foods that reduce bad cholesterol

  • To clean bad cholesterol, you can consume legumes like beans, lentils and gram in your diet. They are rich in soluble fibre and vegetable proteins. Soluble fibre forms a gel-like substance in your digestive tract that binds to cholesterol and flushes it out of your body.
  • Consumption of nuts can also help in eliminating bad cholesterol. Nuts contain abundant amounts of monounsaturated fats, including almonds and other nuts which contain L-arginine in abundance. This is a major amino acid that helps in the production of nitric oxide. Nuts contain cholesterol-like phytosterols that interfere with its absorption in your intestines, thus reducing your cholesterol.

  • Apple can reduce bad cholesterol. Apples contain compounds called polyphenols that can also have a positive effect on cholesterol levels.
  • Apples contain compounds called polyphenols, which may also have a positive effect on cholesterol levels.
  • A compound called allicin present in garlic contributes to cholesterol management by reducing total cholesterol and bad cholesterol levels.
  • Whole grains such as oats and barley provide beta-glucan, a soluble fibre that is very effective in reducing bad LDL cholesterol.

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