When you meet someone for the first time, your good behavior and way of talking impresses the other person and they want to meet you again. But due to some mistakes in the first meeting, the other person may like to distance himself from you.

If you are meeting your future spouse for the first time, then it becomes more important to make it comfortable and memorable. Be it a boy or a girl, you should make your partner feel comfortable when you meet for the first time. It should not happen that both of you feel hesitant in talking to each other or due to discomfort, you start planning to end the meeting as soon as possible and go your separate ways.

Therefore, if you are meeting someone for the first time, then adopt some easy and entertaining ways to make your partner feel comfortable so that the partner gets impressed with you and wishes to meet again.

Present at the meeting
The first time you meet someone, don't go empty-handed. Be sure to take a gift for the person you are going to meet. The gift should not be too expensive. You can gift something that they might like, like a flower or a small plant. You can also take some special kinds of sweets or chocolates. Your first impression will be good in front of the person you are meeting.

Start talking to yourself
Often people hesitate to start a conversation on the first meeting. Don't make the other person feel uncomfortable and start the conversation yourself. Introduce yourself to them and tell them the reason for the meeting, so that some conversation can start between the two of you.

Tell a story
If there is not much to talk about with the person you are meeting, then you can tell them some interesting anecdote or story. Something that brings a smile to your partner's face. But keep in mind that your partner is taking an interest in what you say. Keep your partner's interests in mind too

Listen to them too
While meeting your partner, talk to him politely and give him a chance to express his views. Don't forget to give your partner a chance to speak in the process of making them feel comfortable or increasing friendship. Ask them if they want to say anything. Talk about their life. Know their preferences. When he starts talking openly to you, then understand that he is also comfortable with you.

Humor is also important
Even if you are meeting because of some important or serious issue, there is no need to remain serious the entire time during the meeting. A little humor can make the atmosphere relaxed and carefree. You can tell a joke to your partner. Humor done in the right way can bring closeness between the two of you.

(PC: Freepik)