Massage oil: You can do an oil massage to make eyebrows thick. For this, you can apply olive oil or coconut oil on your eyebrows and massage them every night before going to bed. This increases the hair growth of eyebrows. You can also mix almond oil with olive oil for best results.
Apply Aloe Vera Gel: To make the eyebrows thick, you can apply Aloe Vera Gel on them. For this, take out the gel from the leaves of aloe vera and massage the eyebrows with it for some time. After half an hour, wash the face with plain water. If you do not have fresh aloe vera gel. So you can buy aloe vera gel from the market and use it.
Rubbing with milk: You can also use raw milk to make eyebrows thick. For this, take some raw milk in a bowl and dip a cotton ball in it. Then apply it on the eyebrows and rub it with light hands for some time. Wash your face after twenty minutes. The protein present in milk helps in making the eyebrows thick by giving them the necessary nutrition.
Apply petroleum jelly: You can also use petroleum jelly to make eyebrows thicker. For this, apply a little petroleum jelly on the eyebrows every night before going to bed and massage them for some time, then wipe the eyebrows with a clean cloth. The excellent hydrating agent present in petroleum jelly helps in improving the growth of eyebrows.
Green tea can be useful: You can also take the help of green tea to make the eyebrows thick. For this, make green tea and cool it, then apply it on the eyebrows with the help of cotton. After twenty minutes, wash your face with clean water. The anti-oxidant elements present in green tea can play a good role in improving the hair growth of eyebrows.
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