Eye Care Diet: To increase the diminishing eyesight, fruits and vegetables should be eaten which strengthen the eyes. You need to know them.

Eye Care: In this digital era, the use of mobiles and desktops has increased a lot, but as much as these things have made our life easier, they have also harmed our health. These gadgets are proving to be very dangerous, especially for the health of the eyes. Their screen light harms our eyes. This causes all kinds of problems. Due to such a bad routine, our eyes are getting weak, due to which problems like burning and itching started in the eyes every day and the chances of weakening of eyesight have also increased. In such a situation, we need to include such things in our diet, which keep the eyes healthy and increase their light.

1. Amla-

Amla is a good source for the eyes. Vitamin C is found in abundance in Amla. This increases eyesight. Things made from gooseberries like gooseberry powder, marmalade, pickle, and amla candy are very beneficial for the eyes. Amla should be consumed daily.

2. Green vegetables-

Green vegetables should be eaten more and more to improve eyesight. Green vegetables are very beneficial for the eyes. In these, vitamin A (carotene), vitamin "C" and vitamin "B" are found. Elements like anti-oxidants, iron, and lutein present in green vegetables increase eyesight.

3. Avocado-

Avocado is rich in Vitamin E. Its consumption will strengthen the retina of the eyes and your eyes will remain healthy till old age.

4. Carrots-

Carrots contain beta-carotene, which enhances eyesight. Vitamin A present in carrots is also very beneficial for the eyes.

5. Seafood-

Many kinds of seafood make the eyes healthy. Seafood like tuna, salmon, and trout strengthen the retina. A fatty acid called DHA is found in these fish, which increases the strength of the retina and improves eyesight.

6. Citrus Fruit-

Vitamin C and citric acid are found in abundance in orange, lemon, grapefruit, and guava. Vitamin C is beneficial for the eyes.

7. Dryfruits-

Dryfruits like almonds, and walnuts improve eyesight. Dryfruits should be consumed daily. This keeps the eyes healthy.

Ways to relax the eyes

Follow the 20-20 rule

Working on the screen for a long time continuously can increase the problem. Instead of working for long hours, take some rest in between. If there is a shortage of time, you can also relax the eyes by adopting the 20-20 rule. For this, after working on the screen for 20 minutes, take a break in between and get away from the screen for 20 seconds. During this, keep closing your eyes repeatedly. This reduces the stress on the eyes.

Water will cool the eyes

If there is irritation in the eyes, then keep washing them with cold water again and again. Rose water can be used to clean the eyes.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, take medical advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.