Do you feel excessively hungry? Do you feel an empty stomach even after eating? Do you eat too much food under stress? If yes, then definitely know about the reasons for excessive hunger. Hunger is your body's natural signal that it needs more food. Although feeling hungry may be what your body needs, but when you feel hungry more than you need, then it is important to find out its reasons.

When you're hungry, your stomach may "enlarge" and feel empty, have a headache, feel irritable, have trouble concentrating. Most people keep a gap of several hours between meals before becoming hungry again, but some people feel excessively hungry. Experts say that frequent and excessive hunger can also become the cause of any disease in the body. Let's know from MukulNagpaul, Founder of Pmftraining and Fit India Movement Ambassador about the reasons that lead to more hunger.

Excessive use of refined carbs

When you consume more and more refined carbs then it causes more hunger. Even if you eat something at every meal, such as a cup of sugary, flaked cereal for breakfast, a slice of pizza or a sandwich of white bread for lunch, breakfast Chips for, or white rice or pasta for dinner, a chocolate chip cookie for dessert—your problem is that you're constantly filling yourself up with nutrient-dense refined carbs.

Low blood sugar level

Hypoglycemia is a condition that occurs when the glucose in your body drops to very low levels. This is a common concern for people with diabetes, but other health problems can also cause it. These include hepatitis, kidney disorders, neuroendocrine tumors in your pancreas (insulinoma), and problems with your adrenal or pituitary glands. In severe cases, people with hypoglycemia seem intoxicated. They may slur their words and may have trouble walking.

Lack of sleep

Not getting enough rest can affect the hormones that control appetite in your body. Sleep-deprived people have a higher appetite and find it harder to feel full soon. You are more likely to eat high-fat, high-calorie foods when you are tired.

Not eating enough protein

Adequate protein intake is important for appetite control. Protein has appetite suppressant properties that can help you consume fewer calories during the day. It works by increasing the production of hormones that signal fullness to the body and decreasing the levels of hormones that stimulate appetite. Because of these effects, if you are not eating enough protein, you may feel hungry again and again and have the urge to eat more.

Food not nutritious

It's not the calories that satiate your hunger, it's the nutrients: fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Unfortunately, all three of these are lacking in simple, refined carbs and will fill your body with fast, cheap calories. So no matter how much you eat, your body will go in search of more food. As a result, the body feels lethargic and hungry.

The stress

One of the causes of excessive hunger is stress. When you are anxious or stressed, your body releases a hormone called cortisol. It increases your appetite. Many people under stress tend to overindulge in foods high in sugar, fat, or both. It could also be your body's attempt to "turn off" the part of your brain that worries you the most.

All the above-mentioned reasons can be the reason for your excessive hunger. Therefore, if you feel hungry due to any of these reasons, then immediately consult a doctor for its solution.

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