Eid 2023: The day of Eid is very special and important for every person. Everyone is already busy preparing for this. If we talk about women, they have already selected their outfits according to Eid. Along with this, it is also decided for the girls what kind of makeup they have to wear with which outfit. Make-up should be done differently for each type of skin. Every girl wants her makeup to be perfect at festivals.

If you also want this, then it is very important to take care of some things before doing makeup for it. In such a situation, today we are going to tell some such tips, which you should keep in mind before doing makeup. If you take care of these things then your makeup will last for a long time. At the same time, after taking care of these things, your makeup will look very natural.

Apply ice on the skin
If you compress your face with ice before applying makeup, it will make your skin glow. By doing this, the swelling of the face also reduces. If you apply ice before applying makeup, it will not remove much oil from the face.

The clean face before makeup
Make sure to clean the face well before applying makeup. For this, clean the face by taking raw milk in cotton and then washing the face.

Scrub your lips
Scrub your lips well before applying lipstick. You can also do this with the help of toothpaste. After this apply lip balm on the lips. Applying lipstick after this will make it last longer.

Apply moisturizer on the face
Everyone needs a good base with makeup. In this case, you must apply moisturizer on the skin to hydrate the skin. While doing make-up, keep in mind that its quantity should be less.