Eggs and heart disease: These days the cases of death due to heart attacks are increasing. In such a situation, it is bound to have different types of questions in mind. What kind of diet is responsible for heart attacks? What to eat and what not to eat to avoid a heart attack? You will be surprised to know that there is a link between egg consumption and heart attack. It is considered good to include chicken, egg protein and other nutrients in the diet.

The thing to note here is that the amount of cholesterol is also high in them. By the way, the level of cholesterol in eggs is not as high as in other food items. As much as is found in trans fats and saturated fats. It has been revealed in some studies that there is a connection between eggs and heart disease.

In this, it has been said that including some amount of eggs in the diet keeps away some strokes and a serious eye disease of the eye called macular degeneration.

According to the report of Healthline, eating one egg in 24 hours does not promote cholesterol levels or heart disease. But eating eggs in excess can prove to be injurious to health. Experts give an opinion behind this that eggs contain cholesterol. In such a situation, patients with heart disease must be alert about the consumption of eggs. In such a situation it would be better to eat only egg white. Egg white does not contain cholesterol.