High BP is a very common problem these days, but if it is not controlled, you can get into serious trouble. It is known as hypertension. In this, the force of blood against the walls of the arteries becomes very high, which increases the pressure on the heart and can lead to problems like heart attack, and stroke. To control it, people often resort to medicine. But if some changes are made in the diet along with the medicine, it makes a lot of difference. Today we are giving you information about a flower whose consumption can be very beneficial in the problem of high blood pressure. Let us know about this from health expert LavneetBatra.

How are drumstick flowers helpful in high BP?

Sajan flower can be beneficial for high BP patients. The antioxidants and bioactive compounds present in it help reduce the problem of high BP. Let us tell you that these antioxidants help in dealing with oxidative stress and free radicals in the body which are responsible for many chronic diseases including high BP. It is also helpful in reducing bad cholesterol in the veins, which causes narrowing and hardening of the blood vessels. The problem of high BP also occurs due to high cholesterol.

Moringa flowers also contain potassium. Potassium is known to control high BP. Potassium helps in dilating the blood vessels. This makes blood flow easier and provides relief from the problem of high BP.

How to consume moringa flowers

  • You can include it as a vegetable.
  • You can also drink decoction and tea of ​​drumstick flowers.
  • You can also consume it by mixing it in juice or smoothie.

Other benefits of moringa flowers

Consuming drumstick flowers helps in weight loss because the amount of fat in it is much less and calories are also much less. An antioxidant called chlorogenic acid is found in its flowers which works to burn extra fat from the body. An element called glutamic acid is found in it which helps in sharpening concentration and memory.

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